Thursday, 9 August 2012

Act 2 - Scene 2 - Future Scenarios

The lecture has lured us in with the theatrics of 1927 Fritz Lang film Metropolis and the RIBA Presidents medal winner Robots of Brixton. However by the tutorial the 'What if....' scenarios we are provided with are much more realistic rather than fiction: 

During the tutorial we explore....
unfortunately i did not get photos

(Own image)

It is the year 2050.

Despite the warning signs from Scientists and academics and all the papers produced , society has not adapted to ease environmental issues burdening the worlds ecosystem and finite resources.

The worlds politician have spent many years pointing fingers and still nothing has been done to tackle climate change, carbon and peak oil.

Fossil fuels are almost depleted and have become extremely expensive.

This causes massive unemployment due to redundancies in the mining sector and most other industries soon follow suit.

The divide between the poor and the wealthy has increased.

Travel has become restricted due to reliance on cars.

People are leaving the cities in search for means to live.

Compare facts in time-line graph:

- economic crashes

- peak oil

- unemployment

- climate change

- population growth

- population capacity

- area of agricultural land

- show first agriculture revolution and effect on population - do we downscale to reduce population?



What if Brisbane city was closed off to car traffic in the CBD similar to London?

Increase public transport infrastructure
Turn roads into bikeways or public spaces, parklands, canals for aquaculture/transport
Roads become more like suburban streets, more leisurely, pedestrian, active (cricket on street?)
Turn old carparks into vertical gardens, interesting office fitouts, markets, aquaculture ponds, swimming pools
Food for the city


What if all retail stores in Paddington Central stopped selling good but kept a physical presence for customer experience?

Turn shops into their active component
For example,
Sport store would become a Sports facility
A bottleshop becomes a pub
Woolies becomes a cooking school
Eliminate stock and create experience
Does this then make our social live better by entering the outside world to do things other than shopping?

Do we need the retail experience at all, this can all be done virtually.  Second life style shopping with avatars? I have recently been dreaming, that if I had the means to do so, I would pitch this idea to Google: What if we created Google Shopping? This can be linked to Google Earth, with 3D buildings turned on. You can then fly around the world and swoop down to streets and shopfronts.  You can then move into an animated doorway into their online shopping website, where clothes can be picked off virtual racks, and your virtual avatar tries them on.  You can them go shopping in New York, Dubai, anywhere from your living room.  The real shops can be more like the headquarters or fashion warehouses?  What can the shopping precincts become instead? Just a thought: see google earth image below of Brisbane city scape that can already be virtually explored.


What if the Woodford Folk Festival site were to become a self-sufficient community?

Woodfordia recently went into receivership and negotiated a deal with Sunshine Coast council to purchase their land with a 20year buy back option. 
How do we address the need to purchase the land back from the council?

How can the land be effectively used while the three annual festivals are not on?

Educational centre
Virtual land management
Cultural centre
Wildlife / flora sanctuary
Bush foods
Agriculture would disrupt current festival use
Build traditional structures for the festival / education / courses in cob houses
Climate refugees
Government structure
Self sufficient cut off from outside sources
Inland community becomes coastal due to rising water


What if Qld governments key strategy was to resolve urban, suburban and regional issue virtually?

Social problems - obesity, mental problems, awkwardness
need to relearn community skills
keyboard warriors - anger online - behave differently
anonymity of virtual world
Unreal, devoid of sensory experience

How do virtual products change current architectural systems?
Anything is possible - complete conceptual freedom

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