Saturday, 18 August 2012

Act 4 - Scene 1 - People and their lifestyles


(own image)

"We are no more qualified to be the stewards or developers of the Earth than are goats to be gardeners" (James Lovelock, revenge of Gaia)

We focus our journey around B.O.B.
B.O.B is one but s/he is many.... and from all the lands on earth we come.... etc
BOB is Billions Of Beings
BOB has a job, lives comfortably, then he doesn't, where does BOB go, what does he do


Barter system

- Carpenter, civil engineers, new networks

How do they manage skills, trade (origin or the word?) exchange?

'Burning man' philosophy

Aboriginal Philosophy or way of life, indigenous management practices

Work collectively. Build, grow, learn together without financial gain.

Interdisciplinary innovation - Arts, science, poetry, craftsmanship

Local supply chain for food

Central characters - White collar, blue collar, housewife, family, different cultures, sharing ideas
Living together, eating together, working together, playing together.


Illac Diaz is an entrepeneur of sustainable lifestyles and architecture, he has empowered many people living in poverty and little electricity to achieve light into their dense and dark homes.  See link below.  Something as simple as a PET drink bottle can build a happier and healthier community.

This Youtube clip follows a  carpenter who has been reskilled to help the community, through this idea:


The lecture guides us to define our fiction into:

Characters - Future citizens - put ourselves into this character
Scenes - Future Lifestyle
Sets - Proposed spaces (for project 2)

The fiction should be based on Reality and Fact.  Use data to back up the story
The presentation could be storyboarded - Each group member could draw a scene/character, and see the contrast between characters.

Are the characters freinds, colleagues, strangers, family, community?
What do they want to do?
What do they need?

How do we deal with indeterminacy?  Should the spaces be flexible? We need to consider the timelines of:
Space plan

We should consider how the future could adapt the structure into something totally different.

What can machines contribute?
Recycled machine waste?
Transport issues?

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