Thursday, 9 August 2012

Act 2 - Scene 3 - Future Ideas Development

On discussion of our future theories regarding climate change, a tutorial group member recommended we watch this film.  This adds further to the evocative discussion about the future of our planet.

Recently I watched a documentary on the revolutionary architect Michael Reynolds, who believes that the solution to the changing earth is to change the way we live.  He uses recycled and natural materials to create livable, passive structures that can be built by anyone with the time to do so. This type of downscaling the impact of energy resources could contribute to a better future scenario, where people can build their own shelter out of local and waste materials.

When considering Future architecture, a google image search can result in the image below:
High res, rendered, computer modelled free form, parasitic, floating, pointy, light, monumental Utopian shape making. Scary isn't it?  However the reality that has shaped design over the past 30 years has been predominant market and economic driven factors.  If we can design based around the future uncertainty of economics, we should have a good chance of success.  The sheer scale and use of undiscovered materials for these visionary designs make them unviable as a real future. I feel that a low-fi design solution that incorporates sustainable technology and landscape ecology can create a determinable future.

images from: google images search on "Future Architecture"

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